Sunday, May 12, 2013

Civil Disobedience .

 Laws get broken everyday from something petty to things much more serious. But the only condition in which it would be morally justifiable to break the law is under the circumstance that the law is immoral and not justified. If the law is one that isn't to protect us or they violate us and our rights or are used to control us it is immoral. The underlying reasons to have laws are to protect us not harm us although we may not agree with certain laws they are put in place for a reason. So yes i would in fact agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all' and if it is in fact an unjust law this is where civil disobedience comes into play and we as a society can do something about it. For the people to peacefully get there point across to their government. Instances where it would be legitimate reason to use civil disobedience are things such as slavery, taking away voter rights, segregation, and gay pride for example. These are examples of things that oppress a certain group or people and would be unfair, unjust and immoral. so in my opinion unjust laws aren't meant to do good they are meant to do harm to people so it shouldn't be considered a law at all if good for only a certain group of people comes out of it. The Government is suppose to create a unified society with equal rights and opportunities for everyone. 

Individual & State .

Both Marx and Mill make very valid points. i agree with Mill on his belief that individual's should be able to make their own decisions and choose what they want to do as long as it isn't harming anybody else. we have to understand that we are all different and if even if we may feel as if something is wrong and not the way we do things this doesn't mean that the next person feels the same way. Marx also makes a very important point that laws by the state are essential in order to keep a balance. in my opinion laws aren't put in place to control us but they are put in place to keep things orderly and basic things we know shouldn't be done and remind us that there are consequences if we break these laws. Without laws things would be complete chaos and very violent. laws are put in place for our protection. even though laws don't prevent bad things from happening they are still play a major and important part in society. Mill argued that so long as you aren't being forced to do something by the state then you are free.but in my opinion it is hard to clearly determine what being free is. i can in fact see how certain laws of the state may effect a certain individual more than others and be seen as interfering with freedom but i don't think they are meant for the state to control us.